Friday Furday! – #13

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Today is the last day before wedding season descends upon Kerrie Mitchell Photography, so I’ve taken a cheeky day off to do exciting things like clean my car (by that I mean, have my car cleaned by someone) and have my hair coloured (big thanks to Claire at Luxurious Hair!). This has left Tagg in a major grump because he’s been shut up in his crate far too long 🙁

Did anyone else make the mistake of letting your puppy on the bed? We resisted for a while, but when you need a lie in the only way to keep him quiet is to let him snuggle up with us! Whilst he spends the majority of the night in his cage, as soon as Russell is up, Tagg takes that as his prime opportunity to get under the bed covers! It was all very cute when he was small, but now when he claims 3/4 of the bed its becoming an issue! But tell me, how do you say no to a face like that…..?

Have a great weekend full of lie ins!


Don’t forget to see more of Tagg just follow me on instagram!

Friday Furday! – #13

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